Teacher testimonials for OSA Certificate of Online Safety
“With the ever-growing concerns of internet use in young people and the related online dangers, we wanted to ensure that we educate our pupils in a way that engages them. I was recommended Online Safety Alliance; the package is great it not only covered a differentiated program for pupils but also provides an excellent course for staff and parents.
We were impressed with the certificated content that included awareness of online dangers, how to make yourself safe and where to get more information. It also considered the mental health of young people that are often affected by negative online use and gave guidance on where they can get the right support.”
Hailey Hall School
“As a school we had a well-developed online safety policy and a number of different ways of educating our students about online safety but we wanted to find a way to engage students and parents even further in discussing and understanding online risks and precautions. We came across the OSA Certificate of Online Safety.
The Certificate not only allows us to ensure that every student has completed some learning in online safety, but also provides a simple way for us to measure their understanding of the concepts involved. Parents have been informed that students have been completing the online learning and we have asked them to engage with their children about the messages and issues related to online safety.
The feedback we have received from both students and parents has been extremely positive and as a school we now have clear evidence that students have completed this additional online safety learning. The service provided by OSA has been fantastic and I have been extremely impressed with the whole thing which has taken a minimum of effort to organise and run with students. I would recommend it to any school and we hope to continue to use the programme with future year groups.”
Mr C Love
Assistant Head Teacher
Weald of Kent Grammar School
“Delivery of the certificate went smoothly, I thought the kids were really engaged and took it seriously. They all liked the animated videos and the mini tests for each section kept them challenged and focused.
On a personal note, I found the delivery clear to follow with good resources to help explain each topic.”
Manisha Sanghani
Head of Computing
Kingsbury High School
Pupil testimonials for OSA Certificate of Online Safety
Recent comments and testimonials from pupils who have completed the OSA Certificate of Online Safety (presented exactly as supplied):
What did you enjoy about doing the OSA Certificate?
“I enjoyed that you didn’t have to do the whole thing all in one, you could do what I did and do a separate course each night.”
“I enjoyed the videos as they were a good source of facts but were also fun and easy to understand.”
“It had a lot of differentiation where there were different ways of learning the information, through OSA videos, outside youtube videos, summary posters, presentation, documents etc. Also it was quite fun doing it online rather than written which can be a bit more boring, and there was less pressure in the tests as you could review the information, retake tests, and (excluding the last test) the pass mark was 80%. It makes me feel more secure now and I feel that I can be safe online.”
“I now know a lot more about online safety than I did at the start of it.”
“Watching and learning whilst listening to the animated videos.”
“It helped me learn about the dangers of being online.”
“I thought it was fun learning about it.”
“It made me feel like I had accomplished something when I got my certificate.”
What did you learn by completing the OSA Certificate?
“Your digital footprint never leaves.”
“About different types of bullying over the internet and the consequences that they have.”
“I have learned a lot of things including that it is never ok to be bullied or bully someone else no matter what has happened in the past.”
“I have learnt about all of the different sites you can visit if something online or in real life is making you feel unsafe or scared.”
“I have learnt so much in all of the sections and mostly it was improving my confidence in many areas and I feel I would know what to do if there ever was a problem.”
“Be aware about the internet/social media it can be fun, but can also have dramatic impacts on your life.”
“That you can get serious health problems from technology.”
“I’ve learnt who to tell if I’m worried or concerned.”
“That there is a group/organisation called: CEOP if anyone ever needed them.”
“I learnt what each help line specialises in.”
“Lots about how going on electronic devices can harm you in lots of different ways.”
“That it is illegal to send pictures of you naked.”
“Never to post any information that I wouldn’t want my family members to see.”
“That there is always someone that you can talk to.”
Testimonials for staff CPD resource
Just a quick one to let you know how the whole school training went. I setup an INSET afternoon where every staff member completed the OSA staff training package supplied by yourself. All staff members spoke highly of the course, some said it was far more informative than a more expensive course we purchased in the past from a well known charity that supports children. As an administrator of the course I was able to track and monitor progress of all staff members with ease. The mini tests at the end of each module ensured that staff members read the course material thoroughly, some chose to take notes to support them with the tests.
I felt there was a good balance between guidance on specific applications (i.e. WhatsApp, Snap Chat etc) and generic guidance and support on the topic as a whole.
More recently we applied for (and gained) an Online Safety quality mark for the school. An external assessor came to scrutinise our provision, he quizzed the knowledge and training of our staff and students. The courses you have provided to both staff and students helped them to answer all questions confidently. Staff now feel confident and knowledgeable enough to support our young people when necessary.
Please could you keep me informed of any developments in your courses as I would be keen in investing further in the future.
Keep up the good work!
D Newton
Designated LAC Teacher & Online Safety Lead
Reach Academy
Comments from end of CPD course evaluation form:
“A thorough overview of the issues surrounding online communication for young people and all those working for a school”
“Excellent course – packed with knowledge, great examples and easy to understand”
“Such an enlightening, interesting but worrying course. E-safety is so important for young people and their mental health”
“I believe this course has reinforced the notion that online safety is probably the biggest challenge to students nowadays and that we, as teachers, have a primary role in keeping our students safe”“I have learned far more than I expected on a whole host of differing topics. This has proved particularly relevant given the current lockdown circumstances”
For more information or to request access to the CPD course please visit here.