What is included in the OSA Certificate?
Please visit https://www.onlinesafetyalliance.org/osa-certificate/ for a summary of the OSA Certificate of Online Safety.
Can the course be completed on smartphones and tablets?
Yes, our system uses a fully responsive theme which automatically adjusts to the size and shape of the device being used. As such, all courses can all be completed on mobile devices.
Can I have trial access to the course?
Yes, we will be happy to provide you with a trial account which will provide you with full access to all of our courses. Please contact us to request trial access.
How does assessment work within the Certificate?
All assessment is automated and online. Your centre administrator will be able to monitor all assessment scores.
How long do the student courses take to complete?
This depends on the chosen method of delivery. Where pupils work independently through the resources and activities at their own pace (the approach taken at most centres), most pupils will finish in 2-3 hours. Where a more teacher led-approach is taken the time can extend anything up to 8 hours.
Can the OSA Certificate be used to help meet the new DFE guidance on online safety teaching?
The 2019-2020 OSA Certificate has been refined to ensure it addresses the DFE guidance. The previous version of the Certificate addressed most elements, but additional content has been added in areas such as the role of influencers and the links between the Internet and the rise in knife crime.
How long does it take to set up accounts for pupils?
We manually create accounts for your pupils or they can use existing school Microsoft / Google accounts. After confirmation of the kind of accounts you would like to use we will be able to provide you with full access within 48 hours.
Can pupils complete the Certificate at home?
Yes, the Certificate is available for completion online 24/7.
Do you provide training for running the Certificate?
We are unable to provide face-to-face training. However, schools that subscribe are provided with documentation to support all elements of delivery. Schools are also able to contact us by email and telephone if questions or issues arise.
Is it possible to sign up a single year group rather than the whole school?
We are able to provide reduced-price subscriptions where limited numbers of users will undertake the OSA Certificate. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Do you have courses for age groups outside KS3 and KS4?
We have recently added a KS5 course. Courses for KS2 are currently under development.
I am entering my school email and password. Why won’t it won’t let me log in?
This question is commonly asked, in particular by people trying to access our CPD course. For this course we ask that you log in with your school Google or Microsoft account (most school emails are at least one of these if not both). Do not type your details into the username and password boxes on our login screen at https://certificate.onlinesafetyalliance.org/login – instead please scroll down our login screen and select to log in with Google or Microsoft (see image below). Once logged in select the correct course from our available courses and then enter the enrolment key you have been provided with.

Haven’t found an answer to your question? Please use our contact form to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.